She ran 104 Marathons in 104 days, so what’s next?

After Jacky Hunt-Broersma lost her leg to cancer in 2002, people told her all the things she couldn’t do. At the top of the list: running.

On April 30, 2022, two decades after her amputation, the 46-year-old set a world record: 104 marathons in 104 days. Using a prosthetic running blade, Jacky spent 3.5 months pushing her mind and body to the limit — running 2,724.8 miles, raising $194,000 for Amputee Blade Runners and parenting two children along the way.

Her next challenge? The Race Across the Sky.

We’re so pumped for Jacky to join us this summer in Cloud City for the 2022 Life Time Leadville 100 Trail Run presented by La Sportiva! We can’t wait to see Jacky’s Grit, Guts and Determination inspire hundreds of like-minded endurance athletes as they take on the ultimate ultra running challenge.

See more on Jacky’s world record-breaking story here. 

Follow Jacky on Instagram here. 


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