Face of the Race: Debbie McDonald

Behind almost every rider in the Leadville Trail 100 MTB, there’s a crew — a person or group of people who support riders by giving them much-needed fuel and supplies along the course. Behind LT100 veteran Ricky McDonald, there’s his…

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Healthy Eats: Super Seedy Smoothie

By Trish Coffman We’ve been hearing a lot about the superpowers of seeds, those itty-bitty nutritional dynamos that help you pack in protein, fiber, Omega 3s and more. You may know they’re good for you, but it can be hard…

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Face of the Race: Cheri Redwine

The Leadville Race Series is about more than the superhuman effort; for many athletes, it’s about pushing the envelope of the regular human experience, about going harder and farther than ever before. Cheri Redwine is pushing that envelope this year…

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