Q&A with Max King: Gu Athlete and Ultra Runner

Looking to lock down your nutrition strategy for the Blueprint for Athletes Leadville Trail 100 Run? We chatted with professional ultra runner, GU athlete and Oregon local, Max King, about his nutrition and fueling strategy as he prepares to take on Leadville.  Leadville Race…

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When in Leadville

Looking forward to your visit? We are, too! Make the most of it with these recommendations. Where to Stay Leadville offers multiple lodging options for racers, or soak in the mountain air in nearby Copper or Frisco. These properties offer…

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Blueprint for Athletes Design Victory Challenge

Reach your peak performance with the Blueprint for Athletes Design Victory Challenge. Run or ride 100 miles, or complete a combination of both, from April 18 to May 18, 2016 and you could win an entry into the Blueprint for Athletes Leadville Trail…

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Dispatches from 10,000+ Feet: Altitude Adjustment

How to handle the air up here (or, rather, the lack thereof)? That's the most frequently asked question when it comes to tackling the Blueprint for Athletes Leadville Race Series events. We asked flatlanders who have raced in Leadville multiple…

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