LRS Dogs Take On Summer 2020


You know the faces behind the Leadville Race Series….but how well do you know the dogs? 

The Leadville Race Series dogs aren’t your average dogs. If we’re being honest here, the Leadville Race Series dogs run the show behind the scenes. While you might not see their wagging tails at all of our races, these pups are a big part of our everyday office culture. They bring their smiles, sass, and zoomies to work every day to help us stay on top of our work and plan a summer full of events! 

They’ll let us know when they don’t agree with our ideas, especially when it comes to the layout and interior design of the office. You put a dog bed to the left of your swivel chair instead of the right one time and suddenly your computer mouse ends up in the break room. We try to remain strong when we say ‘No’ to their ideas, but those puppy dog eyes are really starting to get to us. Don’t be surprised if you’re required to give a few belly scratches and hand out a few treats at packet pickup next year.

Although we haven’t been able to work from the office in a few months, the LRS dogs have certainly kept themselves busy. They’d like to share what they’ve been up to this summer: 


Dog: Porter

Pawrent: Michelle

(Wiggles ferociously) Ok hi guys! I’m Porter Hudson Duffy, but you can call me Port Nuggs! If we were meeting in person I’d show you my famous “wiggly butt” but you’ll hafta picture it for now! This is my second summer on earth and it was great! I love spending time with any person and any doggy and lately I’ve got to do a whole lot of that. Plus, we did FUN THINGS! Let’s see…we went to, uhm, Leadville, Crested Butte, Breckenridge, Boulder, Buena Vista, Nederland, Estes Park, Golden, lots of time in Emporia (mom calls it Kansas but I don’t know what that means), sprinter van camping for the first time and prolly some other places I can’t remember. I really just love taking in all of nature, running through fields and chasing butterflies is my FAVORITE! Also, chasing bunnies – I like that. My neighborhood is full of them! Mom never lets me catch them but sometimes I sneak out the front door and give it my best shot. Don’t worryyy guys!!! I hate getting in trouble so I always come right back, give my mom a big kiss, and dismiss myself to the backyard so she knows I know I shouldn’t have left! Anyways, I could take up your time all day so I’ll let ya go. Hope I get to see you soon.

See ya, guys! Port


Dog: Winnie

Pawrent: Quinn

Hi! Winnie here, Winfield Patience to be exact. My favorite activity is swimming and pretending that I’m fishing for hours on end. I’m ALWAYS hungry and anything that involves snacks is a good time for me. The human keeps calling me a vacuum, but I don’t think I’m scary…I think I’m quite welcoming, actually.  Though I haven’t spent much time in Leadville this summer, my perfect day is spent swimming under the dam at Twin Lakes, exploring the east side and running around the mountains until my parents get tired. Mom said something about us going to “bark at four tenders” soon. That sounds like food, so I’m in! Wait, I misheard. She actually said we’re going to “hike a 14er” soon? I’m not sure what that is but she better bring all the snacks….

Love, Winnie


Dog: Remy

Pawrent: Amanda

Oh hey everyone! My name is Remy. Everyone has that one riding or running buddy that wipes out every time you hit the trails. Yup, I’m one of those. Some people say I ‘play too hard’ but I think they’re just being dramatic. Tennis ball is life…and it’s not just a phase, mom. I like to dive headfirst into any body of liquid that I see- doesn’t matter if it’s a puddle, a pond, or warm beer dumped off our neighbor’s balcony- and then I throw a fit when my mom puts me in the slip n’ slide of doom (she calls it a “bathtub”). I got to travel with my mom a bit this summer, and exploring new trails is my favorite thing (second to peanut butter of course). We visited Dallas, Sedona, and went camping around Colorado. I also had a few slumber parties with my fellow fur friends, so this summer has been good to me.

Xoxo, Remy


Dog: Teton

Pawrent: Ryan

Hey! Teton here. I’m gonna be honest, this pandemic is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Instead of a busy summer full of event travel, 2020 kept my parents at home more and spending all of their time with me! They call it “work from home” but I think they’re pronouncing “play with Teton” wrong.  I got to join in on  a few spectacular jaunts to the mountains and even had a big day running alongside them on Teocalli Mountain in Crested Butte. For a dog that loves playing outside as much as I do, it’s been a great summer full of adventures and good company. 

See ya! Teton


Dog: Poca

Pawrent: Rich

This summer I officially retired. Even though my hikes are shorter and slower, I’ve been soaking up this mountain summer here in Leadville! Some of my favorite things are frisbees, sunbathing on the deck, elk poop, hiking, and backpacking a reasonable distance. I’m not able to disclose our favorite secret hiking locations but they are all a quick drive from home! I despise long car rides and laser therapy (even though my parents say it’s good for my joints).

Love, Poca


Dog: Scout

Pawrent: Kelsey

Hey y’all! This summer has been a blast! I got married earlier in 2020 (well, my parents did, but I definitely stole the show) so I’ve been in post-wedding bliss. I’ve been doing all my favorite things – hiking, swimming, and I even started running with my mom. We are halfway through the Run the L Challenge! I went backpacking with my cousins and got to show them all around Leadville. I don’t like the heat so I’m lucky I live here in Leadville! I also don’t like it when my human brothers aren’t around to play… so for me, virtual school hasn’t been too ruff! 

Happy trails, Scout



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