Face of the Race: Cole Chlouber

Cole Chlouber was nine years old the year the Leadville Trail 100 Run began. We talked with the son of legendary founder Ken Chlouber about the race and the town that capture the hearts of so many, including his own.   …

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Dispatches from Hope Pass – Climb Strong

By Emily Booth With three solid months until the Leadville Trail 100 Run, now is the time to get strong. Here are our tips for successfully crossing some of the “biggest, baddest mountains” in Colorado.  Hope Pass. The name alone…

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Coconut Curry Shrimp Stir-Fry

By Trish Coffman Stir-fry is an easy way to pile your plate high with crisp-tender, flavorful vegetables and lean protein – two foods in high demand whether you’re in training or just looking for a healthy meal. Cook this in…

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Face of the Race: Bill and Beth Steen

This father-daughter duo has been on their Leadville journey for seven years, reminding each other to hydrate, eat watermelon, keep pedaling – and to never forget how meaningful it is to cross that finish line. How many years have you…

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Face of the Race: Timmy Parr

2009 Leadville Trail 100 Run champion Timmy Parr returns to the race for the third time this year. We talked with him about his recent move to Leadville, setting “extreme” goals and his love of the ultrarunning journey. What instigated…

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Your Journey Starts Now

By Dave Wiens Congratulations! By being chosen to start the Leadville Trail 100 MTB, you have just been awarded a journey. Well, two journeys, actually. The first is a long one and it begins now, today. It entails your training…

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